Tag Archives: D-Chicago

Chicago Welcoming Puerto Ricans

Following the hurricane that ravaged Puerto Rico, Chicago is anticipating welcoming a huge amount of inhabitants from the destruction caused by Hurricane Maria.  Already the region has taken in over 1,500 individuals but many more are planning to follow suit.

And this might not be temporary.  According to Puerto Rican-born US Rep Luis Gutierrez, D-Chicago, just like Houston accepted Hurricane Katrina’s New Orleaneans, Chicago could do the same.  They might end up moving to Chicago permanently.

As such, the city is getting prepared.  As Gutierrez pointed out, nothing has been put in place and there are already more than 1,500 extra people.  What needs to happen is to accommodate these individuals with education, health and social services, since “if you’re going to be a sanctuary city, you’ve got to offer sanctuary.”

At this point, hundreds of thousands are expected to permanently leave the island in search of a new home and stable life, with “certainly thousands” choosing Chicago given its welcoming reputation and large Latino community.