The CTA is beginning to implement changes to improve its aging infrastructure. In an effort o offer locals better transit options, herewith the first phase of the Red and Purple Modernization (RPM) program.
Monthly Archives: July 2019
Chicago’s Fresh Food Market

Chicago is soon to get a lot more fresh food options for its locals. With both Get Fresh Produce and Forty Acres Fresh Market making their presence in the region, Chicagoans are now almost spoilt for fresh produce choice.
Get Fresh Produce has recently been added by IF&P Food distributor in Chicago. According to President and COO of Indianapolis Fruit, Greg Corsaro, this is just the start and over the next few years the firm intends to implement a “pretty aggressive growth plan that includes bringing on additional companies.”
IF&P is one of Midwest’s largest food distributors and has been in business since 1997 with a staff count of 750 mainly local-based employees. Get Fresh has approximately 375 employees and has facilities in Bartlett, Chicago and Whitestown, Indiana.
When Liz Abunaw moved to Chicago seven years ago she noticed a gap in the market, in particular in Austin. She found that the area was severely lacking in fresh, locally-produced fruit and vegetables. But she really liked the area, referring to it as “the most unique, vibrant, weird, but completely awesome [section of Chicago. Her] ultimate vision is a convenient place where people can walk to in their neighborhood for those fill-in trips between the big pantry loads – as well as maybe some prepared foods.”
Given all these factors, Abunaw decided to create a local food market, but with a specific goal of serving the predominantly black population. And so Forty Acres Fresh Market was born, in reference to “the promise of reparations for freed slaves after the Civil War.” Located on 5051 W Chicago Avenue, the pop-up store is open the second weekend of every month (Friday, Saturday and Sunday).
Local Transportation News

Riders of Chicago’s Metra could soon be in for a treat. But it is quite a long time coming. Given that over 50% of its rail cars have been in use for more than four decades, a renovation has been needed for a while. And now thankfully, that will happen.
On Monday, a news conference took place discussing plans for the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA)and Rebuild Illinois Program. With a $45 billion expenditure budget, Metra is earmarked to a decent amount of money, enough to implement some substantial changes within the next five years.
James Derwinski, CEO and Executive of the Metra Board of Directors explained:
“In the next five years, we are going to be able to put out a contract for new cars…that is the first and the biggest one passengers will see all over the system. We are going to be investing in technologies that are going to be looking at the gate circuits and also the switches out there…and start providing critical data before they fail.”
Meanwhile commuters to Indianapolis will be happy to learn that on July 1st OurBus began a trial route to Chicago. The New York company is charging $10 for each rider, following customer feedback indicating a need for this. The route it will take will begin in Downtown Indianapolis (across from the IndyGo Transit Center), then stop in Zionsville, Lafayette and complete its route between Canal Street and the Chicago River in Jackson Boulevard.